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Chinese translation for "fertility decline"


Related Translations:
fertility:  n.(opp. sterility)1.肥沃,丰饶;肥力,肥(沃)度;(土地的)生产力。2.【生物学】能育性,繁殖力。3.(思想等的)丰富。短语和例子the soil fertility 土壤肥力。
sales fertility:  销售发展性
fertility studies:  生育力研究
total fertility:  总生育率
fertility trend:  出生率变化趋势出生率趋势
fertility level:  生育率水平
cumulative fertility:  累计生育力
fertility index:  繁殖力指数肥力指标
fertility table:  生育表
fertility schedule:  生殖表
Example Sentences:
1.Older women may find it harder to get pregnant than younger women because fertility declines with age
2.Many women are choosing to hae children later in life . and because fertility declines with age , delaying pregnancy also means that many couples will experience infertility
3.The approximate trend of the change of soil in the plantations of four species is that soil fertility declined slightly from 1993 to 1995 , and rose a little from 1995 to 1997
4种人工林土壤变化的大致趋势是: 1993 - 1995年肥力大多略呈下降趋势, 1995 - 1997年有所上升。
4.Fertility declines rapidly after the age of 35 but surveys report a growing number of women wanting to wait until their 40s to have their last child
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